Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Waste = Food; A really really cool documentary from a really cool class

This video was pretty interesting. Overall, people do not think too much about waste. Usually one throws something in the garbage and does not wonder where it goes. If considered, this can be a major problem since families throw things away so frequently, 5 lbs a day it is estimated. A solution to this is quite simple, as the video implies: use and recycle waste. If something cannot be recycled, it should be biodegradable, allowing the product to consequentially dissolve into the soil, which may end up on agricultural product thus leaving us with the phrase: "Waste = Food." This system seems like a good idea, but it does seem hard to adopt since it may be more expensive to make such a product. If the government enforces more product like these, more people would afford to buy these products and thus giving us a better environment.